can you work out and still maintain a plant-based diet?

can you work out and still maintain a plant-based diet?

My first exposure to health and fitness was exercise. Back in high school (which somehow feels like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time) I started working out as an outlet for frustration. It impacted me positively, and now it’s a core part of my daily routine. Though I consider nutrition to be of greater importance than exercise, it was only until years later that I began to appreciate why and how. Of the many reasons to eat a plant-based diet are its beneficial effects on fitness and recovery - just look at Patrick Baboumian and Rich Roll. We also know that a plant-based diet can reverse heart disease and lengthen your telomeres (which are the “caps” on your chromosomes that fray as you age).

If your interest has been piqued and you’re looking to try a plant-based diet for yourself, but are nervous about the impact it could have on your physical activity, check out this piece I wrote for Healthline HERE outlining foods you can try before and after five different types of workouts. If the high level details of plant-based nutrition sound great to you, this is the response to your follow-up question: “What now?”

Feel free to share your thoughts with me below!

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